Friday 14 December 2007


apparently my appendix doesnt have to be ready untill monday, which means i can upload everything and then not have any paperwork to hand in :)

Thursday 13 December 2007


Uploaded a load of my research tonight, the movie is all finished now, although putting it into quicktime format is a pain so ive just left that for tomorrow morning. The only paperwork appendix stuff is my storyboards so that will be fine.

Generally happy with the video, two dodgy moments, but i was really worried it was going to be terrible so im happyyyyy as i saidddddddd.... LAYLAAAAAA you got me on my knees... LAYLAAAAAAAA... i beggin you darlin please : )

textual analysis 2

Wolfmother - Woman

Constant Special effects
Editing in time with the music
Jumpcuts add to the effect of the energy of the special effects
Very high energy performance
Closeups of the band members, more so the singer / drummer
Little or no narrative, ie there is a 'woman' in some shots
Energy makes up for lack of narrative

Royksop - Only this Moment

Opening shots are cgi, meaning at first unclear
cgi turned into realife through good editing (slight jump out with fade)
zooms, of varying pace, add some measured energy to the shots
narrative is gradually revealed
concurences between lyrics and visuals in the theme of being together in a moment
erraticness of the shots/edits is gradually built up, lots of freedom for the director
clearly defined visual areas, space, riot, dinner... blacks, reds, whites
areas come together as the narrative goes on

questionnaire example

textual analysis

7Foo Fighters - Everlong

Strong visual styles for different parts of the storyline, the beginning in black and white, the end in flashing reds for example.
Narrative which has a meaning not immediately obvious, we don't understand the significance of certain objects like the phone
The band members are prominent of screen despite the surrealism, Grohl plays the main character.
There is a performance element, the band play out the end, but the surrealist nature isn't compromised, the characters change into the band in unusual ways, like the drum kit appearing out of the bed.
Simple special effects, the giant hand, the water transition
Grohl made to seem iconic, dressed as iconic punk person
Colour changes, blue for the scary hut, orange for the nightclub
Surreal mise en scene, giant phone

The Cure – The End of the World

Visual style, reds and whites
Narrative might not be obvious, we don't get why things in the house are shaking
The singer in the only on screen person, he is in most shots
The singer is lip syncing throughout
constant use of special effects, animation
The Cure singer is easily recognisable with his trademark hairstyle and make-up
Surreal mise en scene, completely animated outside world.
Visuals linking us to the audio, Books moving in time to the music

A-ha – Take on Me

Separate visual styles, real world and animated
Visual styles merge, the woman is pulled into the animated world, and the man pulled into the real world
Narrative is fairly obscure, what are they running from?
Not particularly performance based, the performance part is mainly animated
Much use of special effects, animation
Iconic treatment of singer, especially the final hallway scene

Bloc Party – Prayer

Set in music / dancing environment
progression of narrative, more weird effects >surreal<
everyone in the video is good looking or a band member
jump cuts with use of the 'burnt' technique
close-ups on singer

Plain White T's – Hey there Delilah

multiple images
differing perspectives
acoustic set up
black and white / distinctive visual styles separate areas.
Huge focus on singer, some fretwork focus as well
Use of shadows / beautiful lighting
Intimate feel, set in apartment, contrasts with city scenes
Muted Colours... blues for city/cold ... iconic of distance/cooling of feelings

Paul McCartney – Dance Tonight

English country, muted colours, blues, muted greens
Focus on Paul once actor has fulfilled his role
Over layered images
Warmer colours in the house
Special effects
Narrative progression / completion
live performance in the basement

research on muse

Features of Indie

Concerned more with self-expression than financial success
because of its origins in punk a 'do it yourself approach' is often taken
deliberate utilisation of lo-fi sounds
use of the internet to avoid control of record labels, generate interest

Muse Research

British Prog Rock Band
Associated with Indie/Rock genre
2006 best alternative band MTV / 2007 best British band NME
Original Record Label Taste Media / Maverick records, Muse retained control of there destinies in each country they were realised in, Taste Media organising seperate deals for each European country.
'Black Holes and Revelations' accidentally leaked over the internet
Newest Album self produced for more freedom

Plug in Baby Research

First single from 'Origin of Symmetry'
The meaning of the song is unknown, although is likely to refer to a guitar “and how he (Matthew Bellamy) only has to plug it in and play, for all his critics to be proven wrong ('crucifies my enemies')
Matt Bellamy is amused at abstract readings of the songs meaning, some suggestions being it refers to genetically engineered puppies.
The songs opening riff is number 5 in Kerrang's top 50 riffs.
The original video: "The idea came from a conversation we had about genetics and being able to design beings for their own purposes", another explanation is that Muse just wanted to hang about with loads of attractive models all day.

Wednesday 12 December 2007


this is in addition to a sheet i have on theory which i will hand in on paper : )