Saturday 8 December 2007

its looking pretty good now, i've moved the timing forward, im now expecting it to be finished possibly before the next 'madcap' family in hollyoaks moves in, and long before the hostilities in iraq have ended :)

written work, got a couple of hundred words pretty perfect, and i think my appendix is basically fleshed out :) ... ...not in a gross way...

...some more quick editing on monday/tuesday leaving wednesday/thursday for any final revisions after people have given me feedback :) so far people have only been able to see the intro part finished, and its been positive-ish :)

Ideally were i to do the project again, more time would have been left to work off of feedback, but that just aint possible this time round the wagon trail darlin'

see you laters, urm, people who read this stuff : )

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