Friday 19 October 2007

Amy 2

Bad Points

>The intro could be cut down
>Unclean sound quality
>no lyrics
>boring editing
>not enough takes done in pre
>no narrative
>none of the animation/cgi i want to include

Good Points

>composition is okish
>synched pretty well
>one particular shot is very good and with better mise-en-scene i might use it in the cw, will have to re-shoot...
>feeling of intimacy achieved?? and of isolation as it goes on?? hope so


jonathan of rose said...

In a way that opening rigmarole is kind of nice as a set up; feels quite personal. Still, your edits seem nonsensical at best (ooohhh, feel the criticism).
Oh yeah, and I was supposed to give Audition back before half term, wasn't I? Sheeeeeet.

Mr. M said...

Liking the lens flare shot into the sun.
Bit of overexposure on the guitar in the 'master' shot. Is that your shadow?
Nicely framed low angle too in the shot immediately preceeding the lens flare shot.
Agree with Jon of Rose on the preamble bit - works quite well but then lots of rapid jump cuts all over the show...
Great trial and error stuff here Tom - keep up the good work.
Done any shooting over half term?

Burby said...

the editing is genius, how else can i sublimanaly get shots of me doing work into mr m's head? : P but nah fair point : )